Bay County Public Schools in Bay County, Michigan operate at the kindergarten through 12th grade level to educate children living in their district. They are publicly funded by Bay County, Michigan State, and Federal tax dollars, and they are required to provide education to all children. Public Schools typically operate as part of a larger district or school system. Bay County Public Schools provide information on their enrollment deadlines, the school calendar, class sizes, school start and end times, school breaks, and graduation requirements. They often also provide details on the principals, administrators, teachers, and staff members who work at the school, as well as school zone boundaries and bussing routes. This information is often available on the Bay County school district website.
Auburn Elementary School Auburn MI 301 East Midland Street 48611 989-662-4921
Bangor Central School Bay MI 208 State Park Drive 48706 989-684-8891
Bangor Lincoln School Bay MI 2771 North Euclid Avenue 48706 989-686-7639
Bangor Township Virtual School Bay MI 3359 East Midland Road 48706 989-684-8121
Bangor West Central School Bay MI 3175 Wilder Road 48706 989-684-3373
Bay City Academy - Farragut Campus Bay MI 301 North Farragut Street 48708 231-631-4746
Bay City Academy - Germania Campus Bay MI 311 Germania Street 48706 231-218-4746
Bay City Academy - Madison Arts Campus Bay MI 400 North Madison Avenue 48708 989-439-5263
Bay City Academy - Wolverine Campus Bay MI 120 North Jackson Street 48708 231-631-4746
Bay City Academy - Ymca Campus Bay MI 111 North Madison Avenue 48708 231-631-4746
Bay City Adult Education/Ctp Bay MI 4155 Monitor Road 48706 989-686-4770
Bay City Central High School Bay MI 1624 Columbus Avenue 48708 989-893-9541
Bay City Western High School Auburn MI 500 West Midland Road 48611 989-662-4481
Bay County Psa Bay MI 1110 State Street 48706 989-684-6484
Bay-Arenac Community High School Essexville MI 1608 Hudson Street 48732 989-893-8811
Bay-Arenac Community High School Essexville MI 805 Langstaff Street 48732 989-893-8811
Christa Mcauliffe Middle School Bay MI 3281 Kiesel Road 48706 989-686-7640
Cramer Junior High School Essexville MI 313 Pine Street 48732 989-894-9740
Cramer School Essexville MI 313 Pine Street 48732 989-894-9740
Detention Center Essexville MI 520 West Hampton Road 48732 989-667-3209
Forest Center Auburn MI 2169 West Midland Road 48611 989-496-3430
Garber High School Essexville MI 213 Pine Street 48732 989-894-9710
Great Lakes Bay Early College School Bay MI 7400 Michigan Road 48706 989-964-2047
Hampton Elementary School Bay MI 1908 West Youngs Ditch Road 48708 989-893-1100
Handy Middle School Bay MI 601 Blend Street 48706 989-684-1723
Hughes Elementary School Essexville MI 805 Langstaff Street 48732 989-894-9750
Isd-Local Programs Bay MI 4228 2 Mile Road 48706 989-667-3276
John Glenn High School Bay MI 3201 Kiesel Road 48706 989-684-7510
Kolb Elementary School Bay MI 305 West Crump Street 48706 989-893-9518
Linsday Elementary School Bay MI 607 Lasalle Street 48706 989-684-0692
Linwood Elementary School Linwood MI 517 West Center Street 48634 989-697-5711
Llc---Bay Campus Essexville MI 1435 West Center Road 48732 989-846-9510
Macgregor Elementary School Bay MI 1012 Fremont Avenue 48708 989-892-1558
Mackensen Elementary School Bay MI 5535 Dennis Drive 48706 989-684-4941
Mcalear-Sawden Elem. School Bay MI 2300 Midland Road 48706 989-684-7702
Pinconning Central Elementary School Pinconning MI 609 West 5th Street 48650 989-308-0502
Pinconning High School Pinconning MI 605 West 5th Street 48650 989-308-0531
Bay County Private Schools in Bay County, Michigan provide education at the kindergarten through 12th grade level. They are privately operated and are largely funded through student tuition and fees. Bay County Private Schools can fall into a number of categories, including religious schools, parochial schools, private special education schools, Montessori schools, boarding schools, language immersion schools, and Waldorf schools. These schools provide information on their enrollment requirements, school calendar, tuition and fees, school mission, class sizes, affiliated schools or religious institutions, graduation requirements, school breaks, and school start and end times. They often also provide details on the Bay County principals, administrators, teachers, and staff members who work at the school. This information is often available on the school's website.
All Saints Central High School Bay MI 217 South Monroe Street 48708 989-892-2533
Auburn Area Catholic Schools Auburn MI 114 West Midland Road 48611 989-662-6431
Bethel Lutheran School Bay MI 749 North Pine Road 48708 989-892-4508
Faith Lutheran School Bay MI 3033 Wilder Road 48706 989-684-3430
Grace Lutheran School Auburn MI 303 Ruth Street 48611 989-662-4791
Holy Trinity School Bay MI 1004 South Wenona Street 48706 989-892-3018
Immanuel Lutheran School Bay MI 247 North Lincoln Street 48708 989-893-8521
St James Elementary School Bay MI 715 14th Street 48708 989-892-4371
St John Lutheran School Bay MI 1664 Amelith Road 48706 989-686-0176
St John the Evangelist School Essexville MI 619 Main Street 48732 989-892-0363
St Michaels School Pinconning MI 310 East 2nd Street 48650 989-879-3063
St Paul Lutheran School Bay MI 6094 Westside Saginaw Road 48706 989-684-4450
St. Anne School Linwood MI 317 West Center Street 48634 989-697-3100